Alston Street, Bury, Lancashire, BL8 1SB


Hello, welcome to 1/2P!
We have two class teachers this year, Mrs Ronson & Miss Thomas.  We are supported by Mrs Plumpton, Miss Jozwiak & Mrs Javid. 
KS1 is a very exciting time in Primary School in which we learn and explore through the  characters that provide an exciting focus for our learning. This academic year, our characters are Mae Jemison, The Wright Brothers, Sir Robert Peel  and Samuel Pepys. We will be blasting off into Space, exploring the world and travelling back in time to The Great Fire of London amongst lots more exciting adventures.
We are all very excited to learn together throughout the year and make wonderful memories.  In Year 1 and 2 we love to challenge ourselves and try our very best with everything we do. We also love to learn together with our friends and to help each other. We know how to keep on trying when things are difficult, this makes us resilient learners! 
 Please scroll down to our Curriculum Overviews for I/2P. For more detail, please see our Curriculum page.