Alston Street, Bury, Lancashire, BL8 1SB
Our Governors


Welcome to the Local Governors’ page


thank you for your interest in our School.


Elton Primary School is part of Bury College Education Trust. We have a Trust Board made up of 7 Trustees who provide strategic direction for the Trust as a whole.


Elton has its own Local Governing Body (LGB) which is a committee of the Trust Board and includes representatives from our local community.


Local governors are volunteers who make a positive contribution to the school by giving their time.

They come from all walks of life and offer a range of skills and expertise including areas such as management, premises and buildings, health and safety, special educational needs, parenting and much more. We welcome people who are interested, enthusiastic and committed. You do not need specific qualifications to become a local governor, but team working and problem solving are useful skills to possess.

Each school in Bury College Education Trust has an LGB which is accountable to the Board of Trustees and should comprise of:

  •  The headteacher (ex officio)
  •  One further elected staff local governor (term: 4 years)
  •  At least two elected parent governors (term: 4 years)
  •  Up to five governors appointed by the Trust Board and selected on the basis of their skills or professional experience, each for a term of 4 years

The chair of each LGB is appointed annually by the Trust Board.

LGB meetings are supported by the clerk to the Trust Board, in collaboration with whom agendas locally are planned in line with areas of responsibility set out below.

The LGB meets at least once a term (three times per academic year)

The primary role of the LGBs is to provide support and challenge to the Headteachers of the schools in ensuring every child makes good or better progress and that parents and carers are fully involved in their child’s education. To maximise the ability of the local governors to focus on this key area, the LGB is not required to manage financial resources, staffing or many of the other areas traditionally associated with a maintained school governing body as these issues are dealt with at a Trust level. However, in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education, the LGB does play an important role in safeguarding pupils.


Areas of responsibility for LGBs

LGBs have a critical role to play in supporting the work of the School and the Trust. Their role falls into two main areas:

  • Contribute to the strategic direction of the school and Trust by considering:
  • vision and values;
  • clear and ambitious strategic priorities and targets;
  • access of children, including those with special educational needs, to a broad, balanced and engaging curriculum;
  • ensuring all groups and individuals are making good or better progress;
  • the quality of education;
  • the implementation of the Trust’s policies;
  • the development of links with the local community; and
  • the establishment of mechanisms to promote good parent/carer/family relations.


  • Hold the senior leaders to account by monitoring the school’s performance, including:
  • agreeing the outcomes from the school’s self-evaluation and ensuring they are used to inform the priorities in the school’s action and improvement plan;
  • considering all relevant data and feedback provided on request by school leaders and external sources on all aspects of academy performance;
  • asking challenging questions of school leaders;
  • ensuring senior leaders have implemented the required policies and procedures and the academy is operating effectively according to those policies;
  • appointing link governors on specific themes (specifically safeguarding and SEND), making relevant enquiries of the relevant staff, visiting school and reporting to the LGB on the progress on the relevant school priority; and
  • listening to and reporting to the school’s stakeholders: pupils, parents, staff, and the wider community.


When required, LGB governors may serve on committees of the Trust to:


  • appoint staff in the school;
  • hear discipline, exclusion, admissions and appeals cases.


The current Governing Body of Elton Primary School:


Elton Primary School LGB –  (Date Appointed)


Julie Ainsworth - Chair (Elected Community Governor 12/10/2023, Chair wef 02/01/2024)

Emma Collopy  - Head Teacher

Jane Chapman  - (01/09/2020) Vice Chair wef 02/01/2024

Rebecca Tattersall - Community Governor (21/03/2024)

Zosia Rodak-Drapalova - Community Governor (01/02/2022)

Carolyn Ashworth - Staff Governor (01/11/2022)

Heath Foxcroft - Parent Governor (24/05/2023)

Isha Wahid - Parent Governor (24/05/2023)


Past Governors:

Gemma Capps (Parent Governor) November 2014 - October 2018

Jack Talbot-Bagnall  (Appointed by the Trust) May 2017 - 2020

Jodie Lomax (Appointed by the Trust) November 2018 - October 2020

Sheree Ailion  (Appointed by the Trust) Jan 2017-October 2021

Elizabeth Rogerson - Parent Governor (01/03/2019 - March 2023)

Kirsty Jones - Parent Governor (01/03/2019 - March 2023)

Jamie Tattersall - Community Governor (01/02/2022 - March 2024)


The Chair of Governors, Community Governors and Associate Governors are appointed by the Trust Board.  

The Staff Governor is elected by the staff.  The Parent Governor are elected by parents.



Governors with Special Responsibilities:  

Special Educational Needs Governor (SEN) Isha Wahid

Safeguarding:  Rebecca Tattersall/ Julie Ainsworth 

Pupil Premium - Zosia Rodak-Drapalova

Attendance - Zosia Rodak-Drapalova

Well-being - Jane Chapman

Curriculum - Jane Chapman

Writing - Isha Wahid

Coaching (2025 onwards) - Heath Foxcroft

Cognitive/metacognitive stratergies ( Spring 2025 onwards) - Rebecca Tattersall



How do I contact a member of the Governing Body?

To contact a member of the Governing Body then please contact the School Office who will be able to help you: Tel: 01617052674, Email:


Need further information? 

If you need more information about the work of the Governing Body or you are interested in becoming a School Governor at Elton, please contact the school office who will take your details: Tel: 01617052674, Email:


Should you need to contact our Chair of Governors, Julie Ainsworth, then this can be done via the School Office: 

Tel: 01617052674, Email:


Elton Primary School, Alston Street, Bury, Lancashire, BL8 1SB


Bury College Education Trust Scheme of Delegation:

You can view the latest version of Bury College Education Trust's Scheme of Delegation document here: 

BCET Scheme of Delegation

Please click below for the Committee Terms of Reference: 

Register of Business Interests 


Local Governing Body Meetings - Agendas & Approved minutes available on request


BCET LGB Meeting Attendance

Elton Primary School LBG Meetings 2023/2024

Elton Primary School LBG Meetings 2022/2023

Elton Primary School LBG Meetings 2021/2022