MFL Intent Statement
The National Curriculum for MFL aims to ensure that all pupils:
· understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of authentic sources · speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say, including through discussion and asking questions, and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation · can write at varying length, for different purposes and audiences, using the variety of grammatical structures that they have learnt · discover and develop an appreciation of a range of writing in the language studied
At Elton Primary School, we intend for all children to develop positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. We aim to encourage interest through stimulating and enjoyable lessons which build confidence and promote the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. It is our intention to ensure that by the end of our children’s primary education, they have acquired an understanding of both spoken and written French, confidence to speak in French with others and know how important other languages can be in their future. We also hope to develop a strong cultural awareness which also ties in with our RESPECT values.
MFL Implementation Statement |
Through the use of The Primary French Project and in line with the National Curriculum for Modern Foreign Languages we have developed a two year rolling programme for the implementation of French teaching at Elton. This is organised by a clear scheme of work which includes challenge for children working above age related expectations and provides support and differentiation for our lower prior attaining children. French is taught in all LKS2 classes. Each year group has a set of French story texts, word mats and knowledge organisers. Children are encouraged to develop their speaking and listening skills in every lesson through conversational work, songs, finger rhymes and stories. Phonics, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure are embedded within our curriculum.
As knowledge and confidence grows, children record their work through pictures and written work. Opportunities should be taken to supplement these lessons by using French at other times during the school day, for example when greeting children, taking the register, giving instructions and playing games. French is monitored by the subject leaders throughout all year groups using a number of strategies including book looks, staff and pupil voice and discussions I track.
We include geographical study within our French lessons and place importance on understanding cultural similarities and diffecences between France and the UK. Children in KS2 also study other French speaking countries.
MFL Impact Statement |
Whilst at Elton Primary School, children enjoy learning French and are interested and excited by diversity of language and cultures. This supports the development of many of our British values including individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance. They learn to sing a number of songs and rhymes which they have learned by heart. They are able to speak a number of phrases increasingly confidently and clearly as they progress through the school and can read and write some simple French. They increasingly notice and understand basic grammar including feminine, masculine and plural forms and key features and patterns of French including accents and word order. They are beginning to conjugate and learn the key verbs which will help them progress their learning. They can discuss some similarities and differences between French and English and talk about aspects of French traditions and culture. This promotes an interest in and respect of differing cultures.
Knowledge Mats Autumn Term 2023
Cycle A
LKS2 Autumn Term 1 & Autumn Term 2
UKS2 Autumn Term 1 & Autumn Term 2
Knowledge Mats Autumn Term 2024
Cycle B
LKS2 Autumn Term 1 & Autumn Term 2
UKS2 Autumn Term 1 & Autumn Term 2
Knowledge Mats Spring Term 2024.
Cycle A
LKS2 Spring Term 1 & Spring Term 2
UKS2 Spring Term 1 & Spring Term 2
Knowledge Mats Spring Term 2025
Cycle B
LKS2 Spring Term 1 & Spring Term 2
UKS2 Spring Term 1 & Spring Term 2
Knowledge Mats Summer Term 2024
Cycle A
LKS2 Summer Term 1 & Summer Term 2
UKS2 Summer Term 1 & Summer Term 2
Knowledge Mats Summer Term 2025
Cycle B
LKS2 Summer Term 1 & Summer Term 2
UKS2 Summer Term 1 & Summer Term 2
MFL Intent Statement
The National Curriculum for MFL aims to ensure that all pupils:
· understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of authentic sources · speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say, including through discussion and asking questions, and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation · can write at varying length, for different purposes and audiences, using the variety of grammatical structures that they have learnt · discover and develop an appreciation of a range of writing in the language studied
At Elton Primary School, we intend for all children to develop positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. We aim to encourage interest through stimulating and enjoyable lessons which build confidence and promote the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. It is our intention to ensure that by the end of our children’s primary education, they have acquired an understanding of both spoken and written French, confidence to speak in French with others and know how important other languages can be in their future. We also hope to develop a strong cultural awareness which also ties in with our RESPECT values.
MFL Implementation Statement |
Through the use of The Primary French Project and in line with the National Curriculum for Modern Foreign Languages we have developed a two year rolling programme for the implementation of French teaching at Elton. This is organised by a clear scheme of work which includes challenge for children working above age related expectations and provides support and differentiation for our lower prior attaining children. French is taught in all LKS2 classes. Each year group has a set of French story texts, word mats and knowledge organisers. Children are encouraged to develop their speaking and listening skills in every lesson through conversational work, songs, finger rhymes and stories. Phonics, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure are embedded within our curriculum.
As knowledge and confidence grows, children record their work through pictures and written work. Opportunities should be taken to supplement these lessons by using French at other times during the school day, for example when greeting children, taking the register, giving instructions and playing games. French is monitored by the subject leaders throughout all year groups using a number of strategies including book looks, staff and pupil voice and discussions I track.
We include geographical study within our French lessons and place importance on understanding cultural similarities and diffecences between France and the UK. Children in KS2 also study other French speaking countries.
MFL Impact Statement |
Whilst at Elton Primary School, children enjoy learning French and are interested and excited by diversity of language and cultures. This supports the development of many of our British values including individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance. They learn to sing a number of songs and rhymes which they have learned by heart. They are able to speak a number of phrases increasingly confidently and clearly as they progress through the school and can read and write some simple French. They increasingly notice and understand basic grammar including feminine, masculine and plural forms and key features and patterns of French including accents and word order. They are beginning to conjugate and learn the key verbs which will help them progress their learning. They can discuss some similarities and differences between French and English and talk about aspects of French traditions and culture. This promotes an interest in and respect of differing cultures.
Knowledge Mats Autumn Term 2023
Cycle A
LKS2 Autumn Term 1 & Autumn Term 2
UKS2 Autumn Term 1 & Autumn Term 2
Knowledge Mats Autumn Term 2024
Cycle B
LKS2 Autumn Term 1 & Autumn Term 2
UKS2 Autumn Term 1 & Autumn Term 2
Knowledge Mats Spring Term 2024.
Cycle A
LKS2 Spring Term 1 & Spring Term 2
UKS2 Spring Term 1 & Spring Term 2
Knowledge Mats Spring Term 2025
Cycle B
LKS2 Spring Term 1 & Spring Term 2
UKS2 Spring Term 1 & Spring Term 2
Knowledge Mats Summer Term 2024
Cycle A
LKS2 Summer Term 1 & Summer Term 2
UKS2 Summer Term 1 & Summer Term 2
Knowledge Mats Summer Term 2025
Cycle B
LKS2 Summer Term 1 & Summer Term 2
UKS2 Summer Term 1 & Summer Term 2
MFL Intent Statement
The National Curriculum for MFL aims to ensure that all pupils:
· understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of authentic sources · speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say, including through discussion and asking questions, and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation · can write at varying length, for different purposes and audiences, using the variety of grammatical structures that they have learnt · discover and develop an appreciation of a range of writing in the language studied
At Elton Primary School, we intend for all children to develop positive attitudes towards other languages and cultures. We aim to encourage interest through stimulating and enjoyable lessons which build confidence and promote the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. It is our intention to ensure that by the end of our children’s primary education, they have acquired an understanding of both spoken and written French, confidence to speak in French with others and know how important other languages can be in their future. We also hope to develop a strong cultural awareness which also ties in with our RESPECT values.
MFL Implementation Statement |
Through the use of The Primary French Project and in line with the National Curriculum for Modern Foreign Languages we have developed a two year rolling programme for the implementation of French teaching at Elton. This is organised by a clear scheme of work which includes challenge for children working above age related expectations and provides support and differentiation for our lower prior attaining children. French is taught in all LKS2 classes. Each year group has a set of French story texts, word mats and knowledge organisers. Children are encouraged to develop their speaking and listening skills in every lesson through conversational work, songs, finger rhymes and stories. Phonics, vocabulary, grammar and sentence structure are embedded within our curriculum.
As knowledge and confidence grows, children record their work through pictures and written work. Opportunities should be taken to supplement these lessons by using French at other times during the school day, for example when greeting children, taking the register, giving instructions and playing games. French is monitored by the subject leaders throughout all year groups using a number of strategies including book looks, staff and pupil voice and discussions I track.
We include geographical study within our French lessons and place importance on understanding cultural similarities and diffecences between France and the UK. Children in KS2 also study other French speaking countries.
MFL Impact Statement |
Whilst at Elton Primary School, children enjoy learning French and are interested and excited by diversity of language and cultures. This supports the development of many of our British values including individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance. They learn to sing a number of songs and rhymes which they have learned by heart. They are able to speak a number of phrases increasingly confidently and clearly as they progress through the school and can read and write some simple French. They increasingly notice and understand basic grammar including feminine, masculine and plural forms and key features and patterns of French including accents and word order. They are beginning to conjugate and learn the key verbs which will help them progress their learning. They can discuss some similarities and differences between French and English and talk about aspects of French traditions and culture. This promotes an interest in and respect of differing cultures.
Knowledge Mats Autumn Term 2023
Cycle A
LKS2 Autumn Term 1 & Autumn Term 2
UKS2 Autumn Term 1 & Autumn Term 2
Knowledge Mats Autumn Term 2024
Cycle B
LKS2 Autumn Term 1 & Autumn Term 2
UKS2 Autumn Term 1 & Autumn Term 2
Knowledge Mats Spring Term 2024.
Cycle A
LKS2 Spring Term 1 & Spring Term 2
UKS2 Spring Term 1 & Spring Term 2
Knowledge Mats Spring Term 2025
Cycle B
LKS2 Spring Term 1 & Spring Term 2
UKS2 Spring Term 1 & Spring Term 2
Knowledge Mats Summer Term 2024
Cycle A
LKS2 Summer Term 1 & Summer Term 2
UKS2 Summer Term 1 & Summer Term 2
Knowledge Mats Summer Term 2025
Cycle B
LKS2 Summer Term 1 & Summer Term 2
UKS2 Summer Term 1 & Summer Term 2